We'll hear from DNC Delegate Garry Shay, who will recap the DNC Winter Meeting. Topics included the new Presidential primary calendar, and whether POTUS Biden will run again. A second speaker may be announced by Feb 11, so check back.
We will also be discussing the DPSFV General Assembly coming up on February 25, our need for a new DPSFV rep, Vote Forward letters after Feb 22 for a Wisconsin Supreme Court election, and the formation of an ad hoc social events committee.
February 18, 2023 at 10:00am - 12pm

Tauby Ross rsvped
2023-02-18 10:24:46 -0800
Joyce Fidler rsvped
2023-02-18 10:05:30 -0800
Anita Horn rsvped
2023-02-17 22:44:12 -0800
Patricia Dexter rsvped
2023-02-16 18:40:16 -0800
Shanna Ingalsbee rsvped
2023-02-16 15:55:41 -0800
Wendy Weiss rsvped
2023-02-15 08:08:12 -0800
Linda Klein rsvped
2023-02-13 18:55:38 -0800
Adrienne Burk rsvped
2023-02-13 13:45:24 -0800
Jerilyn Stapleton rsvped
2023-02-13 01:17:03 -0800
Jim Dole rsvped +1
2023-02-12 14:28:08 -0800
Sandra Krist rsvped
2023-02-11 17:58:30 -0800
Elizabeth Badger rsvped +1
2023-02-11 16:20:21 -0800
Amy Rafti rsvped
2023-02-11 14:38:30 -0800
Cecile Bendavid rsvped
2023-02-11 14:30:23 -0800
Steve Krantz rsvped
2023-02-11 14:01:06 -0800
Sue Weber rsvped
2023-02-11 14:00:39 -0800
Analisa Swan rsvped
2023-02-11 13:59:21 -0800
Susan Strickland rsvped
2023-02-11 13:57:43 -0800
Leah Herzberg followed this page
2023-02-11 13:53:28 -0800
Leah Herzberg rsvped
2023-02-11 13:52:54 -0800
Chris Long rsvped
2023-02-09 15:54:21 -0800
Cindy Kalman rsvped
2023-02-08 14:22:01 -0800